Virtumed - teach and inspire!
Virtumed: Simulation Equipment in Medicine
The vision of medical education had been firm and unshakable over many centuries. Just like in ancient times, a young doctor would watch the actions of his mentor and then repeat what he had seen. Accumulation of experience was a years-long process involving fatal mistakes.
It was not until the second half of the XX century that the time-consuming and inefficient education strategies resulting in low patient safety levels began to be replaced by a whole new learning approach where almost all basic clinical skills and many complex skills are trained on high fidelity patient models instead of humans or laboratory animals. Today, state of the art computer technologies allows us to simulate an endless variety of clinical situations, medical manipulations and even surgical interventions on a patient simulator or a computer screen.
For the first time in history, medical education became synonymous with high patient survival rate. Not only the quality of medical education has not been affected – on the contrary, studying the theory and gaining hands-on skills came to be a faster and far more efficient process.
Nowadays, a medical school is inconceivable without a simulation center featuring all sorts of simulation equipment, virtual trainers, patient simulators and efficient simulation technologies. VIRTUMED Group is an integrator of the above described medical training solutions.
VIRTUMED is a one source supplier of the following cutting-edge simulation equipment:
- Virtual trainers and simulators;
- Patient simulators;
- Computerized mannequins;
- Interactive electronic phantoms;
- Trainers and moulages.
Our supply chain partners for simulation equipment:
Medcompleks, Russia. Mobile simulation centers, simulation center management solutions
Sintomed, Russia. Simulation training integrator
Intermedica, Russsia, Virtual simulators
СAE Healthcare, Canada, USA. Surgical and diagnostics simulators. Patient simulators. Simulation center management solutions
Erler-Zimmer, Germany. Anatomical models, moulages, trainers and phantoms
Surgical Science, Sweden. Laparoscopy simulators, robotic surgery simulators, endoscopy simulators
Nasco, USA. Mannequins, moulages and phantoms
VirtaMed, Switzerland. Virtual reality simulators
Voxel-Man, Germany. Virtual reality simulators
Swemac, Sweden. Virtual reality simulators
Sectra, Sweden. Anatomy virtual training
3-Dmed, USA. Video systems for surgical training
Simulab, USA. Trainers, phantoms and moulages for life-saving and general surgery, trauma, laparoscopy
Kyoto Kagaku, Japan. Mannequins, moulages and phantoms
Koken, Japan. Mannequins, moulages and phantoms
Ingmar, USA. Respiratory therapy simulator
ProDelphus, Brazil. Moulages, phantoms and trainers
Mimic, USA. Robotic surgery simulator
Mentice, Sweden. Angiography simulator
Samed, Germany. Trainers and simulators for training urological, laparoscopic and ultrasound skills
Take the Wind, Portugal. Virtual patients
UMG Group, China. Stomatology simulator
SIMCharacters, Austria. Premature newborn patient simulator
Symgery, Canada. Orthopaedics simulator
Bioniko, USA. Ophthalmological training aids
Simulare Medical, Canada. High fidelity surgical moulages
Innosonian, UK. CPR mannequins